Starting to make sales on the internet is not an easy process. Many shopkeepers who decide to start their online sales usually report months of difficulties and headaches when trying to start an electronic venture alone . Such reports tend to foster fears of starting a virtual store, frequent in many entrepreneurs.

However, even though fears of selling online can arise for a variety of reasons, they can also be faced. Therefore, we went after the main fears of entrepreneurs and sought to solve them with e-commerce itself.

Shopkeepers’ main fears about selling online

“My store is not in a big city”

Many shopkeepers in the interior of their states, or in non-metropolitan areas, are afraid of the impression they give to the public because they do not belong to large centers.

However, this is a myth, since most of the virtual stores originate from cities outside the metropolises. And to start an e-commerce, there are no borders, much less distinction of municipality. 

Not to mention that, in smaller cities, it is easier to stand out and become a reference among the local public. So, believe me, being out of the big centers is not a reason to be afraid, but another chance for growth!

“I don’t understand anything about the Internet”

Anyone who has a physical store can be ahead of it for a long time. Often enough time to have started the venture even before the advent of the internet. And as some believe that “in a winning team, you don’t move”, some believe that it is better not to touch this “seven-headed animal” that is the digital world.

But, especially after the 2020 crisis, we saw that it is unsustainable for a business to stay completely off the internet. The ventures that thrived amid the pandemic and quarantine achieved this by being flexible and operating, even if simply, with social media or a virtual store.

We are used to entrepreneurs with basic internet knowledge, after all, no one needs to be a technology/programming expert to have an e-commerce. Here at Afriktech , we work with them in an attentive and instructive way, that is, what could be a painful and painful adaptation process becomes a personal and professional evolution . 

In this way, all stages of construction of the virtual image of the enterprise, which was previously only physical, become clearer and easier to understand for those who were even afraid of the internet before.

“I don’t know how to set up an e-commerce”

Many believe that building an online store is easy. Some rely on sites that provide free and fast tools for this. But taking care of an e-commerce goes beyond that, which causes concern for entrepreneurs new to e-commerce.

All of this is really a cause for fear in those who are not used to e-commerce. Doing all these steps, and many others, alone is looking for an endless headache.

But looking for a serious and dedicated company in the field of online sales, with more than 10 years of experience in building virtual stores, is to be sure that this entire list will be fulfilled. And even in the stages where you’ll have to get your hands dirty, you’ll have no reason to worry, as Afriktech is by its customers’ side in all processes, with available service and professionals dedicated to your success. We instruct, help and configure the client’s virtual store, so that this fear disappears and only the satisfaction of investing in e-commerce remains.

“I already have a lot of competition online in my segment”

Most of the niches already have a large reference store in e-commerce. Just think of department stores, clothing stores, sporting goods stores, pet stores… Regardless of the segment, you can certainly imagine the competition you have online.

But where some see fear, we see opportunity . No matter how big the companies that will compete, none of them are perfect. You, who are going to start now, know what are the difficulties and pains that the public feels in relation to the experience of buying with competitors. It’s your chance to work it out and do better.

When you have a business with Afriktech , you have a team dedicated to evaluating the best opportunities for your business to stand out, whatever your segment. We provide the necessary resources for you to differentiate yourself and be able to apply the strategies that will put your business in evidence for a certain audience.

“I am afraid of not getting customers for my online store”

Failure is one of the most common fears in any type of undertaking. In virtual stores it would be no different. After all, e-commerce is in full growth, but that doesn’t mean that your business will be a success just for that.

Several factors justify the success of stores within e-commerce:

No virtual store prospers just by being online, but by adding as many qualities as possible from this list. And with Afriktech , we guarantee that our client is able to work with all of this.

However, as much as our professionals train clients, provide conditions for different configurations to be made and applied, and even carry out a good part of them, the fundamental factor is always the entrepreneur himself. After all, a business cannot be run alone.

So, for customers to arrive at your virtual store, there are no mysteries and there is no need to be afraid. What is needed is determination and focus on strategies to attract customers to your e-commerce. There is no better solution for this type of fear.

“What if I can’t regain my investment in e-commerce?”

This is one of the fears that go hand in hand with questioning customers. Mainly when it comes to money, it is understandable that there is this fear, which occurs in any type of investment.

It is important to emphasize, however, that even though e-commerce is at its best, there are no guarantees. It all depends on the effort of the entrepreneur  and the tools used.

Afriktech provides a consultancy that transforms the reality of business and an e-commerce platform that delivers the necessary resources for success. But the main key is for the entrepreneur to make his investment worthwhile.

It is possible to do everything yourself, however, without the support of specialists on the side. In this way, the probability of being successful in e-commerce is even smaller, and with the only guarantee of spending even more energy, time, and even money invested in the wrong way.

To extract the true benefits of selling online, you need to let go of the fears in your head, to make room for goals and persistence. The financial return is a consequence of those who believe in the potential of their business on the internet.

“I feel insecure about online payment methods”

Until the 2010s, it was common to hear about fraud in online purchases. These criminal actions occurred both to harm shopkeepers and consumers. All of this fostered this fear that still exists in many entrepreneurs today.

However, with the advancement of technology and digital security, new methods have emerged to prevent any party from being harmed in online sales. That is, for customers, it is easier to identify a reliable store; for merchants, it is easier to avoid fraudulent purchases.

We are always attentive with updates in terms of internet security and we always bring the best solutions to our customers.

Today, we’re making features like Let’s Encrypt and Google Safe Browser available to reassure visitors that your customer’s store is secure and that no information will be withheld without authorization. 

In addition, we integrate e-commerce with risk management systems to minimize the risk of fraud, such as ClearSale and FControl . All this with easy-to-use applications within the site’s administration and with the support of our team to make it ready for your virtual store.

Finally, we also allow the integration of your business with the payment method that best fits your sales strategies. In this way, your e-commerce customer is comfortable making a completely secure payment , and you are protected from fraud attempts, working only with real purchases.

“I don’t trust carriers”
One of the biggest pains for web shopkeepers is dealing with the transport logistics part. 
However, while the risk of fraud has been reduced as e-commerce has matured, so have delivery problems.
If before it was common for us to take weeks or even months to make a delivery, even with a high chance of delay, today we have seen this scenario improve a lot. 
Carriers have generally improved their services, including freight rates.
And Afriktech also delivers an e-commerce integration tool with 
several carriers . 
Whatever your shipping strategy, just choose and integrate with your e-commerce.
In this way, consumers are free to choose the best option for sending their purchase, whether for the most convenient delivery time or the most attractive price. 
increases the conversion rate and 
reduces the rate of abandoned carts after the shipping check.
“I don’t know how to manage inventory in my physical store and e-commerce at the same time”
This is a recurring fear for those who still do not manage inventory through ERP systems. 
Controlling the entry and exit of products through offline systems, spreadsheets or even a notebook is certainly a risk of confusion.
By migrating your inventory management to a modern system, it is easy to automate several processes, including 
optimizing your time and reducing your energy expenditure on top of this function.

“And if I grow too big, how will I control it?”

Yes, we understand that growth can be scary, even more so when the plans are for a small business. But when you invest in e-commerce and really commit your energy, it’s good to be prepared for growth.

This is not a problem for our tenants, since we support and guide each step taken by the enterprise. Our service goes beyond delivering a complete and functional e-commerce, but also in conducting online business, always aiming for success.

A Afriktech customer is supported throughout his journey, and even when it seems that the business is too big, we will have a solution plan to control this and make the most of success.

Sell ​​online without fear

It has definitely been proven that there are resolutions to all the fears of selling online. Your dream of selling online doesn’t need any more barriers or waiting.

With Afriktech , you can scare away all the ghosts of e-commerce and finally achieve success without fear .

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